Saturday, October 1, 2011


Instead of spending my son's morning nap being productive, I went on a (tiny) fabric shopping spree! I needed to pick up batting and silk for the border of the forest quilt and lovey. The batting was easy. I used Hobbs' wool batting to interline the curtains in my son's room, and really liked it. I haven't quilted with it, other than a few crafty projects, but I knew that was what I wanted.

The concept for the quilt/lovey included silk as the binding/border. One of the things I am trying to do with this project is include lots of textures. And who wouldn't want to cuddle up to some luscious silk charmeuse when going to bed at night? I've had my eye out for a dark green silk charmeuse for a while, with very little in the way of options. Several places don't offer much in the way of samples, prices are around $22-25/yd, and minimum cuts are 1 yard. I came across a "forest green" charmeuse at Fashion Fabrics Club for $12.50 a yard, and I could get just a half a yard of it, which should be plenty for the lovey. Of course, I'm taking a risk with the color, but I figured it was worth it. Worst case, I add a half a yard of green silk to my stash. It beats spending a couple of dollars plus shipping just to get an unusable sample. If the fabric is totally fabulous, I can go back and get another yard+ for the quilt. Or I might end up binding the quilt differently.

While I was poking around, I came across two other fabrics that got me salivating. Hancock's of Paducah had this gorgeous starry batik fabric that I thought would certainly find a use in a quilt at some point. Fashion Fabrics Club had a sale going on wool. I snagged several yards of a purple wool/rayon suiting. I have no idea what I will use it for, but it was too alluring to pass up at $4 a yard!

Stashing fabrics is pretty new territory for me. I have very rarely ever purchased fabric that I didn't have a plan for before, and always from remnant/sale bins. I like the idea of having a stash of fabrics. So.. Yay!

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