Sunday, December 29, 2013

Plum Cloak: Shoulder Challenge

A while back, I managed to steal a few moments with my husband to try on and photo document the latest on the Plum Cloak. Zany expression aside, here is where it stands today.
I am concerned about what appears to be some extra space beyond the curve of my shoulder. It's as if the pattern was drafted to allow for linebacker shoulders. Or just mega shoulder pads?
I know to some extent the neckline will be pulled up by the addition of the hood and closure. But I don't think it will accommodate all of the excess that appears to be there. I didn't make a muslin for this cloak. Mostly because I got impatient for not having sewing time, but also because it's such a non-form-fitting garment that I thought (hoped) I could get away with it. I have to decide if I am just going to live with it, or if I want to try to sew out some of the excess. It seems like I could just bring in the seam line to pull out some of that excess. The trick would be how to ensure that both sides stay even. I would also need to make the same/similar changes to the lining.

The seam allowances have been clipped (notched?) and pinked. I'm really enjoying working with this wool!

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