Thursday, November 19, 2009

Bronwyn's Stocking

After an ill-advised attempt to work with faux leather early in my sewing experiences, I did not get a stocking made for my husband last Christmas.  I came across some fabric-weight faux suede on sale at Joann's at Halloween time and decided to try some of that instead.  So now I'm working on making a neat boot-esque stocking for this Christmas.

My husband decided he wanted a tongue of green satin showing between laces on the top of the boot.  With my front and back cut out and ready to go, I was a little stumped on how to get the tongue in and make it look polished.  I ended up basting the right sides of the boot together up to the point where the tongue would start.

I took a straight rectangle of satin and sewed it right-sides together to one of the fronts of the boot.  I then let the satin sit naturally with right-sides out to find the placement, pinned, and then sewed it.

After cutting off the excess satin, I finished the edges with an overlock stitch.  I then removed the basting stitch and opened up the stocking so that I could insert grommets for the lacing.

With the tongue and grommets in place, I can now sew the boot front and back together with the tongue edge finished under the boot seam.

I'm not crazy about the waffling in the satin.  If I had it to do over, I would try to figure out the placement of the satin piece first and center it on the lengthwise grain of the fabric.  As I was sewing the two sides I could tell the difference in the pull of the side that had more bias in it.  I also didn't do a test for tension and stitch length, which would have been a good idea.  My husband says it looks cool, like the tongue is just floating behind the boot, but I never can tell if he's just being kind.

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