Monday, September 14, 2009

MC Hammer Pajama Pants

For my first project, I wanted to tackle something easy and usable.  I decided on pajama pants as the ideal.  No sleeves or zippers to mess with.  And if they came out really terrible, I could still wear them without being embarrassed!

I stumbled on "It's so Easy" 3548 from Simplicity, so I picked out some nice flannel fabric from JoAnn's (in the middle of the summer in Denver) and got to work.

In the end, I was very pleased.  Not only did the pants actually look reasonably like pajamas one might buy in a store, but they were actually long enough! I have long legs, and while I can typically find ready-to-wear pants that are long, I have yet to come across long-length pajamas.  I didn't think ahead and cut the legs any longer, but I used a large size to start with and hemmed as little as possible.  Having pajamas that come down to the tops of my feet made such a difference in the cold winter months!

I call them my MC Hammer pants because the legs are VERY wide.  It's kind of like walking around wearing a blanket.

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