Saturday, March 15, 2014

Plum Cloak: Bound Seam Allowance

I sewed the next lining seam this weekend. I had picked up some seam binding at JoAnn's, and I think that worked much better.

The seams didn't line up very well between the two pieces. When I lined up the seam notches there was a ton of extra fabric towards the shoulder on one piece and extra fabric towards the hem on the other. I decided to skip matching notches and just lined up the two pieces as best I could. I compared the pattern pieces, to ensure that I didn't notch something incorrectly. I'm reasonably sure the cut pieces distorted, which probably contributed to the problem. I was a little dismayed to see that the pieces appeared distorted even where I had stay-stitched.
I used my 1/4" seam foot to sew on the seam binding, and I think it worked very well.
This seam looks way cleaner, and I think it hangs a bit better than the overstitched seam. I'm reluctant to press the seam again now that the binding is in place, because of fears of pressing ridges into the fabric. This method took forever though. Partly because of the confoundation of the mis-matching seams, partly because I had to sew the entire length five times and press ~8.

Frivolous photo: I took the boys for a hike last weekend at about 7,300 feet. There was around 6 inches of snow for most of the hike. We made it a short hike, but it was glorious!

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